Countdown for companies and institutions: the mandatory reporting channel
The countdown for companies and institutions to have an operational reporting channel. The 2 / 2023 marks that before December 1, 2023 this internal information system is operational in all companies that have 50 or more workers hired. And it is also mandatory from this date for city councils, public sector entities, companies owned by the Administration, political parties, unions, and business organizations, among others. READ MORE
- Published in Blog, Compliance
The complaints channel and compliance in the company: prevention is an obligation
On March 13, a new regulation enters into force, which obliges companies with more than 50 workers to have an internal complaints channel implemented and operational. A channel through which employees and people linked to the company can resort to report possible conduct contrary to company regulations, irregular or illegal of which they are aware. An obligation imposed by the 2 / 2023, of February 20, which regulates the protection of people who report violations of regulations and which seeks to promote the fight against corruption. READ MORE
- Published in present, Blog, Compliance
Héctor Paricio in Las Provincias: Does compliance serve as a vaccine against Covid?
The newspaper The Provinces, in its paper edition of Thursday July 2, has published an article by our partner Héctor Paricio. The article questions whether 'compliance' is a good tool against Covid. Paricio highlights that good prevention mitigates the risks that the pandemic may have on business activity and economic uncertainty.
- Published in present, Blog, Compliance
Gathering at Gestiona Radio with Héctor Paricio and Ignacio Soler
Our Partners Hector Paricio e Ignatius Soler they will visit the Gestiona Radio Valencia studios on the afternoon of Wednesday 21 to participate in the program Fire friend, presented by Mario Beltrán. From 18.00:19.00 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m., our Partners will address, as a result of the controversy that arose with Intermon Oxfam, how the lack of controls can generate cases such as that of the NGO and will influence the need to establish such controls, especially in the entities that they receive public funding, highlighting that the ideal moment may be the tender itself. After the intervention, a READ MORE
- Published in Blog, Compliance, Media coverage